The country’s Youth Decide Campaign on Monday, May 11, 2020 questioned Malawi President Peter Mutharika’s silence on spate of political violence ahead of fresh elections.

The grouping told the news conference in the capital Lilongwe that Mutharika’s silence is a worrying matter.

Youth Decide Campaign Team Leader Charles Kajoloweka observed that the country’s leadership mum on the matter will frustrate young people to take part in polls.

Kajoloweka therefore called Parliamentary Committee on Security to summon Acting Inspector General of Police Mwapasa, Homeland Security Minister Nicholas Dausi on their mum on spate of violence.

“Where is President Mutharika on the current spate of political violence? Is his silent on the matter knowing something? This is worrying many youths who want to participate in the July 2, fresh elections.

“The spate of violence cant be left as such. Just a week now after unknown thugs burnt down UTM offices and a family in Lilongwe. But Mutharika leadership has been silent on matter”, worried Kajoloweka.

He adds, “We are calling Parliamentary Committee on Security to take to task Acting IG Mwasapa and Homeland and Security Minister Dausi on matter for answers of their negligence on spate of violence.

“We are urging the leadership of this country to investigate on those behind the attacks that they face the law for their evil acts”.

There was no immediate reaction from Statehouse and Dausi on the matter.

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