Musicians in the country have agreed to start performing live shows despite the ban of huge gatherings by government in the wake of Covid-19 pandemic.

This has been said yesterday by the group of musicians who addressed journalists in the capital Lilongwe.

Speaking the presser, chairperson of the group Wendy Harawa said they (musicians) will resume organizing and holding live shows just as politicians are going in holding political rallies amid Coronavirus pandemic.

According Harawa, politicians are being seen across the country holding rallies without observing social distance.

“We will have resume to holding gigs. Politicians are holding meetings of hundreds of people and no action is being taken against them. So we can as well hold shows,” said Harawa.

In an efforts to contain the spread of the deadly Coronavirus, government imposed some restrictions to be observed including the banning of huge gatherings, which was seen affecting schools, live shows and political rallies.

However, this was seen not working starting from May 6 when presidential candidates were presenting their presidential nomination papers in preparation of July 2 fresh presidential elections.

With the official campaign period being launched by Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) political leaders are seen on the ground holding political rallies pursuing people to vote for them in the fresh polls.

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