Honourable Atupele Austin Muluzi has called on people of Phalombe to rally behind the DPP-UDF Alliance saying this is the only alliance that has the welfare of all Malawians at heart.

Muluzi said it was the UDF government that introduced starter packs for farmers and the DPP administration sustained it through Farm Input Subsidy Programme.

He was speaking on Monday at Misewu four in Phalombe during a whistle stop tour of the district.

“Let us vote for President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika as president of this country because he thinks development.

“Phalombe is one of the districts that were very backward but the UDF and DPP governments have turned it around. We can all appreciate this good road network, better schools and hospitals that are being constructed,” said Muluzi.

APM’s running mate also told the gathering that President Mutharika has directed to roll out an initiative that will support vulnerable households.

“Very soon most vulnerable households will start receiving K35,000 monthly for the next six months. This initiative seeks to cushion families that are disadvantaged economically. President Mutharika would like to see one million families benefitting from this initiative,” said Muluzi.

Other speakers during the whistle stop included legislators for surrounding constituencies and traditional leaders who all pledged support towards the DPP-UDF Alliance.

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