The chieftaincy wrangles in Traditional Authorities (TAs) Mazengera and Kalolo in Lilongwe have finally been put to rest after government Friday installed heirs to the two thrones, which have been vacant for nine and two years respectively.

The two, Davis Sindeya for TA Kalolo and Tima Chonongera for TA Mazengera were crowned TAs at a ceremony that took place at Lilongwe District Council.

Presiding over the installation ceremony, Deputy Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Grezelder Jeffrey said the vacancies have derailed development and brought divisions because people could not respect the ones acting.

She said it is the wish of government to fill all the chieftaincy vacancies but court injunctions have always restricted government to do so.

“Areas that have no chiefs are always sidelined in developmental projects and also implementation becomes a challenge. It takes forever for the family members to resolve their misunderstandings which are a blow to government,” said Jeffrey.

She said government fights to further development in all the areas without bias but where the house is not in order coordination becomes a challenge hence misunderstandings dominate and development doesn’t become a priority.

Lilongwe District Council Chair, Councillor Luciano Botomani hailed government for the move, saying it is the beginning of new things in the areas but also for the whole district.

He said there are a lot of chieftaincy injunctions that go unresolved for a long time, leaving the council with no choice but to wait for the decision of the courts.

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