Many readers will feel a pang of envy when they see Denmark’s gradual reopening under social distancing.

Museums, art galleries and zoos are all allowed to open their doors, as are cinemas and theatres.

Denmark’s TV2 says they’ll even have an audience of family and friends for Friday’s X Factor talent show finale.

The news comes amid dire predictions for the UK’s theatre industry if no government rescue package is agreed.

Top West End producer Sonia Friedman has talked of British theatre being on the brink of collapse.

Danish guidelines for seated audiences came out late on Thursday so here’s a brief summary:

  • Maximum audience of 500 in a hall
  • Every other seat should be empty or the distance between each person should be 1m (3ft) – unless people have close contact every day
  • There should be a distance of at least 2m between performer and audience
  • In foyers there should also be social distancing

No deaths were reported by Denmark’s SSI health institute on Friday – for the second time in a week.