Zomba Senior Resident Magistrate’s court has convicted and sentenced two men, Nelson Seleman and his accomplice, Frank Kachingwe to 16 years imprisonment each for robbery.

State prosecutor, Rodney Botoman told the court that on May 14 2020 the two together with other friends armed with panga knives and metal bars, broke into Mulunguzi Cottage bar after attacking the watchman.

Bottoman said the criminals stole different items including Bluetooth radio speaker, assorted bottles of beer, blankets, curtains, a cellphone, and mattress cover all costing over K400,000.00 (Four hundred thousand kwacha).

Appearing before court the two pleaded guilty to the offence.

In submission Inspector Botoman prayed for a stiff punishment saying the offence is serious in nature and it was well planned.

Giving their mitigations, the convicts pleaded for leniency blaming the devil for their act.

But sentencing the two, Magistrate Rodrick Michongwe concurred with the state and sentenced them to 16 years IHL each.

Seleman (33) hails from Mkoko village Traditional Authority Kawinga in Machinga while kachingwe (48)hails from Mkhomamunthu village Traditional Authority Kachere in Dedza district.

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