I’m confused, even at a loss….don’t have a clue what to write about this word

I probably must have used it, heard it countless times but still can’t fully digest its meaning.

What best defines love; is it eros, agape, storge or phileo?

Yea, you just easily said Agape (even without thinking). But how many times have you really shown that kind of love (yea, think twice).

People say love is not expectant; yet people want to love and by all means be loved back

I feel love is just an emotional roller coaster (hmmm, you disagree). Then explain why you can love someone so dearly today and tomorrow you don’t.

And the religious converts would EASILY say “love your neighbour as you love yourself”. Remove all religious sentimentality; can you really love anybody half as much as you love yourself?

Maybe love is just another bore game aimed at getting sympathetic companionship from other players in the same circus.

An old friend once defined love as “two people living in the same insanity”. I think I can relate with that. It explains so many things. Maybe that’s why when one of the couple becomes sane from the aforementioned insanity, the love game reaches an abrupt end.

No, I’m not going to relate love with the February 14 drama; it’s not even close to love. I’d rather listen to a 4 hour boring sermon or lock myself in the comfort of my lonely apartment playing chess all by myself than be with those attention seekers that conspicuously wait for every February 14th.

You may be feel that there is so much vile and hatred in my words. But I’d call it the unknowing hatred of truth on your part

I’ve once seen a lady who loves her fiancé but can’t stand his snoring habits; I never knew love could be so contradictory

Not to walk the self-righteous path but I think I even understand love better than most of you even though I earlier said I can’t digest its full meaning.

I choose not to discuss this term with most people because it is often associated with hypocrisy and bias.

I’ve made a decision to use synonyms related to love but not the actual word itself. Not for lack of wanting to but maybe until I can at least grasp half its meaning

When I see the deeds of people who often use this term (including those that act like they have lived all their life in a temple), I deride the word even more.

Don’t judge me or grunt at my words or act like I sit next to you in grubby attire right by your rich garment in an eventless Sunday mass. I’m only on a mission to find truth

If you can’t show me, then maybe I’d be forced to believe love is only something that can be borne of heaven. Maybe that even explains why there is so little love on earth.

I’d stop here not for lack of ink but to fully absorb that which is running through my mind…



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