Laughing British teenagers have sparked outrage by mocking the killing of George Floyd by police in a sick Snapchat photo.

The post was captioned ‘brutality’ and shows one teen kneeling on his friend’s neck – mocking the way the 46-year-old unarmed black man died after being detained in Minneapolis last Monday.

The video of his death sparked international outrage – and has led to widespread protests and riots across America and the UK.

But this didn’t appear to bother the grinning pair and their friend who took the photo – before posting it on Snapchat last week.

It was later shared on a Warwick University freshers Facebook page – where it quickly drew widespread criticism.

Rumours circulated that the trio, aged between 18 and 19, were due to go to the university in September – but a source who went to school with all three dismissed this.

Elesha Foord, from Lincolnshire, was outraged when she saw the post and immediately shared it on Twitter – where it quickly garnered thousands of likes, comments and retweets.

The 16-year-old student said: ‘Honestly when I first saw it I wasn’t that shocked. We’ve seen so much racial prejudice but it’s not a shock because we see this so much.

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