The Mangochi Senior Resident Magistrate court on Wednesday sentenced 28-year-old Stephano Khiwale to 10 years in prison with hard labour for raping a 15-year-old girl.

During court proceedings Mangochi Police Prosecutor Sub Inspector Maxwell Mwaluka told the court that, the victim was raped on the night of New Year’s Eve (1 January 2020) when she went for celebration with her friends at Nabale Trading Centre.

On her way home, she met Khiwale who asked to escort her home since it was late. On the way, Khiwale asked the girl to sleep with him but she refused and started running.

But Khiwale caught up with the girl and raped her. The victim told her parents about he rape and the matter  was reported at Makokola Police Unit.

She was issued a medical report and the results from Koche Health Centre confirmed about the sexual abuse.

Appearing in court, Khilewa pleaded not guilty to the charge and the state paraded four witnesses who proved the case beyond all reasonable doubt.

In mitigation, Khiwale asked for court leniency saying that he was drunk when the offence was being committed but Prosecutor Mwaluka prayed for a stiff sentence saying such cases are on the increase in the district and this put girls’ lives under threat.

Passing judgement, the Senior Resident Magistrate Joshua Nkhono sentenced Khilewa to a 10-year custodial sentence to deter other would be offenders.

Stephano Khiwale hails from Sambe village Traditional Authority Nankumba in Mangochi.

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