Fighting over a man, tooth and nail has always been the subject of controversy and judgment among many but the streets don’t stop for anybody!

When emotions run deep and territorial rights to a man are a point of dispute, fists start flying.

These 2 ladies tore and clawed at each other as the audience cheered and jeered for them  into what became a wrestling match.

While the exact circumstances leading to the fight are not  yet clear, the ladies were definitely not playing.

People watched as the fight spilled over and led them into the raw sewage waters flowing in the yard.

A roll in the sewage was not enough to break of the fight, certainly there was more at stake here than just dignity.

Watch the video below from Zim Celebs

Meanwhile in sad news on the streets, a Murehwa man (20) was found lying dead in a pool of blood along Cameroon Street near Magaba flyover Mbare, Harare

The victim had one tooth missing and was bruised on the back of his head, suggesting that he died from blunt force.

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