Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Vice President for the South Kondwani Nankhumwa who is also leader of opposition in Parliament has asked party supporters to accept the outcome of the fresh presidential polls and move on.

Nankhumwa made the plea on Tuesday in the August House after passing the provisional budget presented by Minister of Finance Felix Mlusu.

“Malawians have thus spoken through the fresh presidential election and it is important that their will is respected. It is obvious that our supporters are disappointed but I wish to take this opportunity to urge them to accept the election results and to move on. That will be the first step towards healing and rebuilding our mighty DPP.

“The most critical thing to do now is to draw back and do an audit of where we may have gone wrong and start all over again,” said Nankhumwa.

He added: “In John Chapter 12 Verse 24 in the Holy Bible, our Lord Jesus said “Truly, truly, I tell you, unless a seed of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a seed, but if it dies, it bears much fruits.” Yes, the DPP may look like it has died today like a seed, but I can assure you that DPP shall re-germinate with vigour and bear more fruits.”

Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) on Saturday night declared Dr. Lazarus Chakwera of Tonse Alliance as winner of the fresh presidential polls after outclassing the outgoing President Peter Mutharika.

Chakwera amassed 2.6 million votes representing 58.4 percent against 1.7 million votes of Mutharika, representing 39 percent.

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