Some employees at Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) have obtained an injunction restraining the tax collecting body from disposing off institutional houses.

MRA Director of Corporate Affairs Steven Kapoloma confirmed of the development in an interview with the press on Thursday.

In the argument, the workers claim that they were not consulted in the move to sale the houses.

The workers union claimed that it learnt about the sale through the media; hence, confronted MRA management for an explanation.

“We asked management that before they could proceed with the intended sale, they had to consult the occupants, as well as eligible occupants, of the said houses, with a view to finding a solution to the problem,” one of the member was quoted in the Nation Newspaper dated July 3, 2020.

Recently the Anti-Corruption Buraue (ACB) also blocked MRA from going on with the recruitment of some people suspected to be youth cadets for Democratic Progressive party (DPP).

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