Police in Dowa are looking for a man suspected to have stolen cash and items worth  over K5.8 million.

According to Dowa Police Public Relations Officer (PRO), Gladson M’bumpha, the suspect was only identified as Esau Chigwe, whose full particulars not advised who committed theft by servant offence between the month of March 2020 to July 22, 2020 at Dowa Turn-Off  Total Filling Station.

It was alleged that the victim, Shahzad Amir, 36,  a Malawian of Asian nationality, owns a shop at Dowa Turn-Off Filling Station in the name of Ali Hajveri Supermarket and he employed the suspect as a shop manager.

“It was on July 22, 2020 when the victim went to the shop for a stock taking  with other employees and concluded in the evening hours where it was discovered that the suspect failed to account for cash and items worth K5, 852, 963. The suspect resorted to beating the victim and got a chance to escape,”  he said.

Following the report, Police rushed to the scene and found the victim stranded.

The matter was reported Police and a medical report was issued to the victim.

Meanwhile, Police have launched a manhunt for the suspect and if arrested, he will answer a charge of theft by servant.

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