Prophet made an open prediction that the world was Going to end on the 12 of April by 12 PM.

Furthermore, since the prediction, Kenyans and the world have been on ready sitting tight for the second coming of JESUS Christ.

As April clocked 12th and the world did not end, internet users took to social media to call out the said prophet on his failed predictions and insisted that he was a fake man of God.

In defence of himself, the prophet replied that the world was going to end on the midnight of April 12th but he had immediately pleaded with God to Postpone the day of Rapture so that all Kenyans can repent.

Internet users have been firing insults and trolls at the prophet.

Highly known for his controversial prophecies, lifestyle and mode of preaching, this same preacher who teaches repentance is a direct opposite of what he teaches.

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