Evangelical Association of Malawi (EAM) has asked Blantyre City Council to immediate remove a Muslim billboard mounted at Maselema near Limbe deemed offensive to the Christians in the country.

The billboard seen by this publication says “If you have read The Old Testament and the New Testament Now Read! The Last Testament The Quran.”

In a statement signed by ECM Chairperson Zacc Kawalala described the billboard as provocative and he asked the council to immediately remove it.

“We want to clearly state here that Old Testament and New Testament are the books in the Christian Bible. Therefore reference to Old Testament and New Testament in such a manner, in country that is predominately Christians, even without mention the Bible, tantamount to a comparison between Bible and Quran.

“Such an action is unacceptable and a recipe for religious conflict in the country,” reads in part the statement.

He added: Churches in the City of Blantyre are disturbed with the message displayed in the billboard. We would to request the Blantyre City Council, therefore, in the spirit of peace and coexistence, to immediately remove the provocative message on the billboard by the Islamic Information Bureau within the next 7 days.”

Effort to talk to Blantyre City Council spokesperson Anthony Kasunda proved futile.

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