In a devastating scenario, a 29-year-old woman, identified as Sdumie C Moyo, has succumbed to a suspected kidney failure in Zimbabwe barely 3 days after she expressed her frustrations on the social media platform, Twitter.

According to her tweet on the 9th of August 2020, the seemingly disgruntled young lady indicated how unpleasant she was treated at unspecified facilities and further promised that she would give a detailed account of being a chronic patient in Zimbabwe.

Zimbabwean Woman Dies 3 Days After Complaining On Social Media About Government: PIC: The late Sdumie Moyo: Image Credit: Twitter

” Saturday was a crap day. One day I’ll write a thread about being a chronic patient in Zimbabwe. All i can say for now is that it’s the pits. ????”, she tweeted.

Sadly, her sudden death was announced this morning by Kidney Zimbabwe, an independent organization that facilitates the donation of kidneys. Friends and relatives are seen leaving messages of hope and solicitude on her timeline.

” It is with a heavy heart that we inform you of the passing of Sdumie C Moyo

A daughter.
A sister
An aunt.
A friend.
A completed work.
29.06.1991 – 10.08.2020

We will post the thread on her behalf.
