Zimbabwe – In a spine chilling incident, a 63-year-old woman’s house in Tsholotsho district was mysteriously gutted by fire after she saw  her mealie-meal being poured from a container by invisible beings suspected to be goblins.

Fielder Gwazaza reportedly woke up to find her room sprinkled with a water concoction leading  her to report the matter to village head Solomon Gumpo.

A villager who preferred anonymity confirmed the matter to the publication

“The water which was mixed with some concoction was sprinkled on the floor. Shockingly all this happened when Gwazaza was sleeping with her two grandchildren aged five and nine years and they never heard anything,” .

The unseen beings  have been terrorising Gwazaza, who one night woke up to find sadza and cooked beans on the floor.

“She had not cooked sadza the previous night and she had no beans in her homestead but she got the shock of her life when she woke up to find a plate full of sadza and beans placed on the floor. Again she informed the village head,” said the source.

A mysterious fire whose origins are unknown is said to have erupted from thin air and burned down her hut as she sat outside.

On the same day in the evening, another fire erupted and burnt her bedroom hut.

The fire burnt her wardrobe, bed and other property in her bedroom and all  her clothes.

She went on to report the matter to the police.

On the 10th of August while Gwazaza was seated, she reportedly saw mealie-meal being poured on the ground.

The next day she woke up to find her daughter being strangled by a rope and had to call the villagers to spend the night at her home

At around 4am, one of the villagers noticed that her nine-year-old grandson was being strangled with stockings and had to untie the stockings.

Village head Gumpo confirmed the bizarre incident:

“Villagers are shocked and equally surprised about what happened at Gwazaza’s homestead. Villagers asked us as the local leadership to engage a traditional healer to exorcise the homestead and we are in the process of doing that so as to help the family.”

Matabeleland North police spokesperson Chief Inspector Siphiwe Makonese also confirmed the incident

“I can confirm that we received a report stating that strange things happened at Gwazaza’s homestead. Now the matter is being handled by the local leadership.

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