Deputy Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Halima Daudi, has warned district council officials against indulging in corrupt practices, saying the malpractices have hampered the country’s development for a long time.

Speaking during a familiarisation tour in Chikwawa on Friday, Daudi said the Tonse Alliance-led Government is serious in tackling corruption and inculcating a hard working spirit in Malawians for the country to develop.

Daudi added that the councils should first strive to complete all projects that were initiated by the former Democratic Progressive Party-led administration.

“Let us first finish all the projects because the money spent on the projects came from government coffers,” said Daudi.

During the visit, Daudi inspected the construction of Thabwa Depot and witnessed the commencement of construction of Dyeratu Market where she advised contractors to speed up the construction works.

“Please, we do not want to see unnecessary delays,” said cautioned.

Member of Parliament for Chikwawa South, Illias Karim said there is need to review the public procurement Act to ensure councils were able to buy construction materials from local suppliers within the district.

“The council is wasting a lot of money because it is buying materials in Blantyre,” Karim said. “Imagine buying a bag of cement at K10,000 instead of K6,500.


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