Police in Zimbabwe have arrested 15 vendors in Murewa for cheering and greeting the country’s Opposition leader Nelson Chamisa who belong to the MDC Alliance party.

iHarare reports that the arrests were made as the leader was on his way to the burial of another well known figure Patson Dzamaraon Friday.

The video circulated on all social media platforms and in the video, the vendors can be heard chanting “President” as they rushed to go greet Nelson Chamisa when he briefly stopped at Murehwa turn-off on his way from Mutoko for the burial of Patson Dzamara. 
The 15 vendors were arrested today and taken to Murehwa police station. It is still not clear on what charges the police arrested them.
It is alleged that a police truck abruptly pulled up by their vending stalls and started arresting everyone who was screaming and dancing for Chamisa on Friday.
It reported that as they were  arresting the vendors they offered no plausible explanation except for a statement saying, “you know your crime that you committed on Friday.”
Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights are currently following up on the case.

Watch the video of Murehwa vendors rushing to greet Chamisa as his car stops at Murehwa turn off:


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