Billionaire businessman Charles “Chuck” Feeney has finally gone broke after giving all his wealth to charity in the quest to die broke.

The co-founder of Duty Free Shoppers said it is a lot more fun to give while you live than give while you’re dead.

According to a report by Forbes, over the last four decades, Feeney has donated more than $8 billion to charities, universities and foundations worldwide through his foundation, the Atlantic Philanthropies.

He told Forbes: “We learned a lot. We would do some things differently, but I am very satisfied. I feel very good about completing this on my watch.” Feeney expressed his gratitude to everyone that joined him on the journey to give out everything he had, urging others to try it.

He said: “My thanks to all who joined us on this journey. And to those wondering about Giving While Living: Try it, you’ll like it.”

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