Heroic dad, who shielded his children from gunmen, has lost both of his jobs due to the injuries he got from the shooting.

On September 21, at The Bronx used-car business on Boston Road in Eastchester, three gunmen opened fire. At the time, Anthony Jefferson, 39, was visiting the dealership in an attempt to surprise his wife with a new car for her upcoming birthday, as per VT.

The New York Post reported that the shooting started at around 7:30 pm.

Footage from the security cameras shows the father-of-three pushing his kids to the ground and covering them with his body to protect them from the shots. Unfortunately, Mr. Jefferson was struck three times – twice in his boot, and once in his right thigh, The Independent reveals.

A GoFundMe page was set to help the heroic dad who has lost his jobs.

As a result of his severe injuries, Mr. Jefferson is now unable to work, so he had to leave both of his jobs. Serena Wingate, the family friend who established the donation page, wrote:

“Due to his injury, Anthony lost his job and has to have surgery to remove the bullet. This Go Fund me is to help this heroic dad with his medical bills and his kids with therapy. They are beyond traumatized.”

As of Monday, September 28, they have raised over $277,000 in donations, while the original target was more than ten times less.

In an interview with TMZ, Danica Jefferson, Anthony’s wife, confirmed that he lost both of his jobs – one as a head painter at a maintenance company and the other as a construction worker. Ms. Jefferson added that the family is now trying to get their children into therapy, as they have become reluctant to go outside after the traumatizing incident. She also shares that the kids have been crying in their sleep, and the youngest one, 2, has asked: “Why did the man shoot my daddy?”

Despite all the difficulties, the family is grateful for the father’s admirable bravery.

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