Information reaching this publication indicates that former President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika has resolved his differences with Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Secretary General Grezelder Jeffrey.

Jeffrey wa Jeffrey was fired from her position in August for calling for an early convention in DPP to replace former President Peter Mutharika.

The firing of Jeffrey was followed by an emergency meeting convened by Mutharika after Jeffrey rejected the firing.

Jeffrey was also barred from attending the emergency meeting.

But inside sourced have revealed that Jeffrey wa Jeffrey met Mutharika to iron out their differences.

According to information t hand, DPP Vice President for the North Goodall Gondwe was the witness during the meeting.

The development means Jeffrey wa Jeffrey will not be attending the disciplinary hearing as ordered by the Central Committee of the party.

Meanwhile it is not clear as to whether Jeffrey wa Jeffrey has been reinstated as DPP Secretary General.

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