Minister of Gender, Community Development and Social Welfare, Patricia Kaliati, has warned beneficiaries of the Social Cash Transfer Program that they risk withdrawal from the program if they misuse funds.

Speaking on Friday at an interface meeting held at Lilongwe Hotel with members of the Parliamentary Committee on Social and Community Affairs, Kaliati said there is a large faction of Malawians who are ultra poor and in dire need of support.

She therefore cautioned targeted beneficiaries to desist from reckless spending of the allocated money but rather put it to good use.

‘’We are warning those people who are benefiting from the social cash transfer program that if they use the money on beer then we are going to withdraw them because they are not serious and ungrateful of what government is doing,’’ Kaliati said.

She further extend the communication to those getting cash for their school fees, uniform and notebooks warning that they will not be exempted from the chop if it is found that they are not reporting to school.

The minister revealed that government has added five percent in the budget allocation on the cash transfer programme which is also targeting the vulnerable, people with disabilities and street children so that they should be supported to go to school.

She said: “Parent should not send their children to the streets to beg instead they should be in their homes so that the ministry target them”

“The same goes for all persons with disability in the streets we are asking to go back to their communities because once the budget is passed we will be targeting them in their households.’’

Kaliati expressed gratitude to all the donors who are supporting the programme. She urge

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