A married male teacher who had an affair with his neighbor was exposed by his pupils who were discussing his cheating ways without noticing the presence of his wife.

The pupils had come for extra lessons at their teacher’s house at Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo Airport compound when the wife eavesdropped on them talking about his affair with Pretty Moyo (32) of the same compound.

This was heard when Precious Sibanda-Makowe (36), a nurse based at United Bulawayo Hospitals (UBH) appeared in court for assaulting Moyo.

She pleaded guilty when she appeared before Bulawayo magistrate Mr Shepherd Munjanja facing an assault charge on Thursday.

When quizzed by the magistrate how she got to know about the affair she explained how she got home from work to eavesdrop on pupils discussing her husband’s affair and how they had seen him sneaking into the house of the complainant.

In her defence, the remorseful Sibanda-Makowe told the magistrate that she committed the offence out of anger as she felt disrespected by her husband and her alleged girlfriend whom she was treating as a sister yet she went behind her back to do such a disgraceful thing.

“…When I asked my husband about it, he failed to give me a satisfactory answer which forced me to confront the complainant at her place of residence where she also became jumpy on the matter.

On pressing her, she ended up confessing to having an affair with my husband,” Sibanda-Makowe said.

Prosecuting Mr Terrence Chakabuda told the court that Sibanda-Makowe and Moyo live in the same compound and there was a misunderstanding over a love affair.

She was found guilty and the magistrate sentenced her to 30 days in prison with an option of RTGS$1 000 fine

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