Judges of the Constitutional Court have won the 2020 won the 2020 Chatham House Prize award for ably handling the May 21, 2019 Presidential case which led to the nullification of the declared results.

This has been confirmed in a letter dated October 23, 2020 addressed to to Judge President Healey Potani signed by Director of the Chatham House, Robin Niblett seen by this publication.

According to Niblett, the award is in recognition of the bravery demonstrated by the judges in upholding democracy and the rule of law in the manner they handled and tried the presidential election case leading to June 2020 fresh election.

“Our members recognised you for upholding the independence of the judiciary in your historic February 2020 ruling on Malawi’s presidential election”.

The case was handled by five Judges namely;Justices Ivy Kamanga, Redson Kapindu, Dingiswayo Madise ,Mike Tembo and Potani.

The Chatham House is a leading centre for research and analysis of international affairs.

Below is the letter;

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