The call for demonstrations against the rising cost of living is receiving mixed reactions from members of the public with the majority speaking against the idea.

Most of the people who spoke to Capital Radio and posted on the Radio’s Facebook page say the idea of demonstrations will not solve any problems, but lead to loss of property and life.

They were referring to the demonstrations in the Bingu wa Mutharika regime last year, which led to the death of 20 people and loss of property.

“The cost of living is rising everywhere and not just in Malawi, demo’s where tried before and we all saw how that worked out. We are still recovering from all the chaos and honestly don’t need any more….its financial crisis and people should understand that and try to find other better solutions not this…,” wrote Blessings Hendrina Likoswe Capital Radio Malawi Ltd facebook page.

“Let us join hands to end these economic problems If they demonstrate does that mean that their conditions will change? . Demos will not end the crisis. So let’s not demonstrate but find a way forward on how to tackle these problems!,” wrote also Hessie Mbale, Edgar Chipalanjira, Chipiliro Wakudyanaye, Kadango Ishmael and Edward Maluwa.

However, others are of the view that it is necessary to take to the streets to alert the authorities on the pinch Malawians are feeling following the economic reforms in the Joyce Banda administration.

“I wish our government would take some efforts in reducing expenses. It hurts that though we are complaining about economic hardships and the way our government is handling internal travels, our president has chosen not to listen to us, for that reason I would go on the streets because that is my tax. My life is not the same after the devaluation but we have people, calling themselves leaders, going from one place to another and not listening to our cries,” wrote Peggy-Joy Nyirongo.

“Demo is my right as enshrined in the constitution so it’s essential for all right thinking Malawians to take to the streets against the rising cost of living!,” wrote Winyo Wise Mtukula.

Consumer rights activists have been calling on Malawians to take to the streets to show their anger against the economic challenges affecting most people in the country.

A survey conducted by Capital fm has revealed that prices of basic goods in most shops ranging from sugar, cooking oil to soap have remained steady in the past few weeks.

A packet of sugar has remained stable at k340.00 while the price of a 5 liter bottle of cooking oil has remained unchanged at k4, 940 with a one kilogram packet of salt going at K180.00.

The survey has also shown that some shops are yet to reduce the prices of most goods as it is the routine every festive season and unconfirmed reports are indicating that the price of sugar may go up soon.

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