A Form Three student has died by suicide at Alara village in Kenya after his girlfriend resolved to end their relationship.

18-year-old Kelvin Omondi, a student at Alara Mixed Secondary School, hang himself using a sisal rope on Wednesday evening after his girlfriend – who is also a Form Three student at a neighboring school – informed him of her decision to call it quits.

Omondi reportedly killed himself immediately after a phone conversation with the girl in which they are said to have disagreed.

According to South West Kwabwai Location Chief Grace Oguta, the girl’s mother was against her love affair with the boy hence compelled her to walk out of the relationship.

Ms. Oguta said the two have been in a relationship since their primary school days and the boy was not happy when the girl decided to walk away.

The body of the deceased has since been transferred to Sori Lakeside mortuary.


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