Thousands of families have been rendered homeless in ten districts in Malawi after being hit by the floods, following heavy rains that poured in the past few weeks.

Among the districts include Nsanje, where at least 5,000 in the areas of Group Village Head men Chipondeni and Sapinga in Traditional Authority Mlolo have been displaced.

There are fears that the disaster could lead to food shortages as maize and rice farms have been washed away in some districts.

Meanwhile, authorities in Nsanje district have started mobilizing food relief items as a short term measure to assist affected households.

Assistant District Disaster Management Officer Humphrey Magalasi said they are now working hand in hand with development and disaster risk management NGOs to source water treatment chemicals.

Some of these items are water guard, chlorine and other essential relief items before the government’s assistance.

A team from the US that has been assessing the impact of floods on food security has sent a report to the Department of Disaster Management for response.

According to deputy director of the World Food Program Baton Osmani, the assessment would determine the required assistance.

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