The United Kingdom has ordered President Joyce Banda to put the presidential jet up for sale at once or risk courting trouble, sources at the Office of the President and Cabinet in Lilongwe have revealed.

According to these sources, the United Kingdom, a staunch critic of the jet’s acquisition during the Mutharika administration instructed the hapless Malawi president to dispose of the plane because not doing so was embarassing her western masters.

“She received a heated and scorching phone call from London. And immediately we got instructions that some how we must find a way to selling the plane as quickly as possible,” said one source who works closely with the president.

The plane is currently parked in a hanger in South Africa where parking and servicing charges have been accumulating eversince.

This is yet another proof that the west is running the government of Malawi and President Joyce Banda is their figurehead.

Banda’s policies, imposed by the west through the IMF, have caused severe hardships for Malawians and are seen by most Malawian analysts as increasing poverty in the country.

Following IMF demands, Malawi’s Kwacha is now the world worst performing currency and analysts are forecasting even harsher economic times ahead

On 28th January, the Office of the President in Malawi advertised for purchase tenders on the controversial jet that was bought by Banda’s Predecessor, Bingu wa Mutharika amidst protests and criticisms from the west.

A well-placed source at the State House said the United Kingdom ordered her to sell the jet immediately after they discovered that the plane had not actually been sold as she had been telling them since eight months ago.

“The president looked disturbed and immediately called OPC and blasted them to put the jet on sale”, said the source who refused to be named for obvious reasons.

The source further revealed that the President looked disturbed and irritable the whole day as she had been harboring plans to use the jet for her 2014 election campaign after hearing that the opposition may bring helicopters for the contest.

Upon ascending to the Presidency in April 2012, President Banda made international headlines that she would sale the controversial Jet and the expensive Mercedes ministerial limousines as austerity measures.

The vehicles have never been sold and until now.

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