Rumours reaching Face Of Malawi are indicating that Malawi’s vice president Khumbo Hastings Kachali is geared to dump his wife Martha for sparkling and angelic Anita Kalinde.

This development is coming against the the calls by president Joyce Banda for a sex spree halt in the PP family, which is said to be tarnishing the good image of the party.

Khumbo and Kalinde, who is Community Development, Children and Gender Minister started dating in May last year soon after Khumbo’s ascendancy to Vice Presidency.

This is also coming amidst reports of a cold war between Khumbo and another Anita’s man friend Henry Chimunthu Banda, Malawi’s Speaker of the National Assembly.

Khumbo is reportedly planing to dump Martha on the basis that she had not been able to give him children, a development which is the VP feels has always dishonored him

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