By Orchestra Kamanga

As one way of stopping giving cash handouts to street Children and promote the economic empowering of streets connected family, Yohane Banda Foundation on Saturday organized a big walk from Mpingwe Sports Club to Zomba Kips Restaurant.

Speaking in an interview, the Executive Director for the Foundation Kondwani Mzumara said the main aim of the big walk was to raise money which will help them to remove Children from the streets and stay at their respective families to continue with their education.

“We attended a joined streets kids task force meeting at Blantyre City Council (BCC) where we found that 80 out 100 percent of children who beg in the streets come from well-established families and they beg to feed their families,” he said.

He further said the children said they make K5, 000 to K10, 000 per day through street begging. The Foundation wants to raise money which would help the kids when they are home after being removed from streets.

“Out of 10 children, 8 come from well-established homes so our plans are to remove them on the streets and bring them back home so they continue with their education,” he said.

Mzumara thanked Yaseen Giga, Managing Director of Kips Restaurant for their financial and material assistance which helped for the Big walk awareness campaign.

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