By Christopher Miti
CHIPATA (Post of Zambia) — Vendors in Chipata have complained about the increase in the number of Malawian shoe traders in the area.
The vendors, who sell shoes, said there was an influx of traders who were crossing into Zambia to sell shoes in the town centre, Down Shops and Kapata Market.
The vendors wondered whether or not the traders were trading legally in the area.
One of the vendors, Joseph Nyirenda said the Zambia Revenue Authority needed to check on the traders and ensure that it collected the necessary taxes from the traders who usually crossed into Zambia using simple passes.
Nyirenda said Zambians could not be allowed to vend illegally in Malawi.
“When you go and buy things there, they just say ‘gulani aise pitani kwanu’ buy my friend and go to your place. This is our concern,” Nyirenda said.
Another vendor, Obby Nyirenda urged the authorities to address the matter.

SHOE VENDORS: Malawians dominate Chipata markets

He said the Zambian vendors had complained to the immigration department over the matter but nothing had been done to help them.
When contacted, some Malawian vendors said they were aware of the complaints from their Zambian colleagues.
“Anyway, there is need to address this matter amicably because our friends are taking it very seriously,” one of the vendors said.

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