Commissioners of the Special Law Commission has recommended that the law should recognize the existence of Witchcraft and criminalize it.

The call has been made today in Lilongwe where stakeholders gathered for a National Consultative Workshop on the review of the Witchcraft Act.

They said the Commission has so far found that the majority of Malawians believe that witchcraft exists.

In a presentation Commissioner Dr. Mathew Theu said some people believe that witches sometimes make themselves invisible, travel through the air in a flying basket and engage in dancing and walking at night whilst naked.

But some stakeholders attending the meeting have expressed reservations on the recommendations describing the act as a mere belief while some said it shall be difficult to find evidence  to prosecute suspects in witchcraft related cases.

The Special Law Commission has also recommended that there should be a process to formulate legislation dealing with matters relating to Satanism.

In a presentation Commissioner Sangster Nkhandwe of the Special Law Commission said : ” Satanism is a totally different harmful practice and since some members of the general public consider it to be a religion, there is need for a thorough research into the matter .”

Paramount Chief Kyungu supported the stand by the Special Law Commission that witchcraft be criminalized saying ” it is real and people are suffering”.

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