Police in Nsanje have arrested a 28-year-old man for raping a 20 year old lady with disability.

The suspect has been identified as Petrol Harold.

Police reports indicate the suspect committed the alleged offence as the victim was coming out from a bathroom

Passersby had then heard screams around the premises only to find Harold forcing himself on the defenseless woman.

Nsanje police publicist Agnes Zalakoma says villagers then reported the matter police for Harold to be taken into custody.

In a related development, Mwanza police are keeping in custody Weston Junsa 53, a court clerk at Mwanza First Grade Magistrate Court for defiling his 13 year old stepdaughter.

It is said the offense was committed when Junsa’s wife had gone out of the house.

The latest incidents comes as condemnations on similar abuses continue in the country.

Although, some women activists suggest meting out of stiffer punishments, others are calling for a total mindset change.

Sexual abuse cases have been heavily reported in the recent past prompting national wide demonstrations from various stakeholders.

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