President Dr Lazarus Chakwera is this morning attending World AIDS Day at Mitundu Primary School Ground in Lilongwe.

Vice President Dr Saulos Chilima welcomed the Malawi leader at the function.

This year’s event is being observed concurrently with International AIDS Candlelight Memorial.

A minute of silence was observed in honour of those who lost their lives to the epidemic.

Senior Chief Chitseka applauded Government for choosing Mitundu as venue for this year’s event saying, “we have been honoured to have this function held here it could possibly be in the capital city, we don’t take this gesture for granted.”

Each year World AIDS Day falls on December 1. It was first celebrated in 1987 by James Bunn and Thomas Netter, who were public information officers for the Global Programme on AIDS at the World Health Organisation in Geneva, Switzerland.

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