Some Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in the country have called for the immediate resignation of of Homeland security minister Richard Chimwendo Banda over his remarks on encouraging communities to use ‘mob justice ‘ on alleged perpetrators of defilement.

Chimwendo Banda is on record to have told Malawians to be vigilant by administering mob justice on people caught red-handed defiling Children in the country, describing the act as demonic.

But Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation (CHRR) and Youth and Society (YAS) have condemned the call, describing it as barbaric.

In a joint statement made available to the press signed by CHRR executive director Michael Kaiyatsa and YAS executive director Charles Kajoloweka says mob Justice is a violation of the law as one is presumed innocent until proven otherwise.

The two rights organisations have since asked President Lazarus Chakwera to act by ensuring that the Ministry of Home Affairs is led by someone who respects the law.

Chimwendo Banda is yet to comment on the matter..

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