A 19-year-old student who was arrested after family members reported him to police for threatening to kill one of them was found dead in police cell after committing suicide in Nandi County, Kenya.

Police told local news outlet NairobiNews that Meshark Kiprop, a secondary school student, made a rope using a piece of cloth and used it to hang himself from the window of his cell.

Kiprop was arrested after a domestic dispute and had allegedly threatened to kill one of his family members leading to his kin reporting the matter to police.

Confirming the incident, Nandi County Deputy Police Commander David Kirui said the officers on duty heard screams coming from the cell and on opening it they found his lifeless body hanging from the cell window.

Officers transferred Kiprop’s body from the police station to Hospital mortuary where a post-mortem was expected to be conducted.

The officers are said to have launched an investigation to establish why the 19-year-old decided to take his life in such a way.

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