By Robert Kumwenda

State President Dr Lazarus Chakwera has been urged to bring new people in the Civil Service if he wants to achieve his dreams of having a transformed Civil Service.

Former Malawi ambassador to Japan Dr John Chikago said it is normal that any change is resisted saying that as such the president cannot work with people that are not willing to change.

“He should put new managers and his agents to bring his agenda but this cannot happen if he continues to work with old guards. He can redeploy others into other functions pending the end of their contracts, said the former Diplomat.

Dr Chikago said the President cannot sacrifice performance of government for the sake that they are Malawians saying that when doing this he should not be angry or use threats.

“The President and his ministers have got a responsibility to change the mentality of people who resist change. Things will change but it will take process. He must reengineer the Civil Service,’ he said.

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