Tobacco selling season for 2013 will open in mid March, Tobacco Control Commission TCC chief executive officer has confirmed.

TCC Chief Dr. Bruce Munthali confirmed that tobacco sales at Kanengo in Lilongwe, Limbe in the Southern region and Chinkhoma auction floors in Kasungu district will start second week of March but Mzuzu auction floors will open in April.

During 2012 tobacco selling season, the country recorded volume of 79 million kilograms of tobacco which was far below to 2011’s 237 million kilograms.

In spite of low volume last year, tobacco was sold as higher as 2 dollars per kilogram outshining the 2011 prices.

“Am very optimistic that tobacco production will double last year’s volume of 79 million kilograms among others due to amount of rains the country has been receiving, there is hope upon seeing quality leaf in most fields”, said Dr. Munthali.

He has since appealed to farmers to take care of their tobacco and avoid mixing it with non related materials to control tobacco rejection.

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