A disturbing video of Bill Gates has emerged of him boasting about how his “incredible” COVID19 vaccine which “has to go to 7 billion people” and containing something new “instructions in the code” will change our DNA.

Beyond any doubt the vaccines developed and launched to fight the novel coronavirus are composed of recombinant DNA.

Recombinants are molecules of DNA genetic code from two or more different species that are inserted into a host organism to produce new genetic combinations that are claimed to be of value to science, medicine, agriculture, and industry.

Since the focus of all genetics is the gene, the fundamental goal of Big Pharma’s laboratory geneticists is to isolate, characterize, and manipulate genes.

Mainstream media and prominent politicians have attempted to suppress and/or deny that modified DNA, with the potential to alter our own DNA, is the new “tool” in these experimental vaccines.

But “vaccine hesitancy” (a polite term to denote refusal to be poisoned by these potions) is on the increase, especially among medical professionals who are touted to be among the first group to receive these Frankenstein injections.

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