ZAMBIA – Police are looking for four brothers who are on the run after killing a 72-year-old man on suspicion of practicing witchcraft.

Commissioner of Police Elias Chushi confirmed the incident believed to have happened over the weekend at Kabwebwe village in Mufumbwe district.

The four assailants who are on the run beat up Jackson Makaliki who is also headman Kabwebwe using fists and kicks in a bid to avenge their father’s death.

“A 72 year old man of Mufumbwe district has been murdered by four brothers who allegedly beat him up using fists and kicks.

“Brief details of the report state that on Saturday 19th December 2020, Jackson Makaliki also known as headman Kabwebwe and Wisdom Kalemba were accused of practicing witchcraft that caused the death of Boas Masasala of the same area,” Mr Chushi said.

The deceased together with another person identified as Wisdom Kalemba were accused of practicing witchcraft and caused the death of Boas Masasala of the same area and were later banished from the village by a council of elders after finding them guilty.

“Around 19 hours (19th December 2020) the four brothers conspired to avenge the death of their father. They followed the suspected wizard headman Kabwebwe and killed him in his house at Kabwebwe village. The suspects whose identity is withheld are on the run,” Mr Chushi said.

He said the four assailants whose identities have been withheld are on the run.

Meanwhile, the police have appealed to members of the public to desist from practicing instant mob justice on innocent people adding that people should observe the rule of law.

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