The First Grade Magistrate Court in Kasungu has sentenced two filling station workers to over two years in prison each for enabling robbers to steal K6 million at Kapalankhwazi Mount Meru Filling Station.

The two Desmond Ishmael aged 30 and Daniel Jasi aged 27 have been sentenced to 30 months in prison hard labour for doing an act for the purpose of enabling others to steal contrary to section (21) of the penal code.

The court through state prosecutor Assistant Superintendent Vickness Chimseu heard that on the night of 29 June, 2020 the two were on duty at Kapalankhwazi Mount Meru Filling Station discharging their duties.

However, they left open the doors of a room where they keep cash safe and cash safe keys on top of the cash safe box.

On the night, the filing station was attacked by robbers who found it easy to steal money amounting to six million and twenty thousand kwacha which was in a safe.

In court, the two pleaded not guilty to the charge of doing an act for the purpose of enabling others to steal contrary to section 21.

The state paraded five witnesses to prove the case against them.

In her submission, Chinseu prayed for a stiff punishment citing seriousness of the offence.

Chinseu told the court that the offence they committed was a well-planned and organised.

In his sentence, First Grade Magistrate Damiano Banda slapped the accused with 2 and half years imprisonment with hard labour each to serve as a warning to other would be offenders.

Desmond Ishmael hails from Kachule Village, Traditional Authority Kachere in Dedza while Daniel Jasi hails from Kanjedza village Tradition Authority Kasambankhunda in Lilongwe district.

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