At least 20 returnees are feared to have escaped from the Malawi prison Training School where they were being quarantined waiting to be cleared from Covid-19 following the fracas that erupted yesterday at the facility.

On Saturday, 518 Malawians arrived in the country from South Africa through Mwanza boarder following the government’s direction, they were all sent to the Training School after their travelling documents were taken away from them.

Only hours after they arrived at the facility, the returnees started asking government to give their passports back and to let them go in their homes of which they were denied the request hence the commotion.

The angry people, blocked the Blantyre-Zomba road and damaged a number of materials at the facility. Among others, guardroom, mattresses and beds have been damaged adding to that a number of vehicles have been smashed.

However, Prison National Spokesperson Chimwemwe Shaba has said no one has bolted out of the facility during the incident while on the other hand confirming the damages caused during the riots.

“Currently am at the scene and I can confidently confirm that it was only few individuals who were perpetuating the riots.” Shaba said.

Minister of Health Khumbize Kandodo Chiponda who is also the Co-Chairperson for the Presidential Task Force on COVID-19 has described the development as retrogressive and saddening.

“As Government, our core mandate is ensuring safety for all and I should stress here that we will not back down in enforcing COVID-19 prevention measures,” said Chiponda.

Meanwhile the Presidential Taskforce on COVID-19 has disclosed that henceforth the country will not be accepting returnees without COVID-19 negative certificates.

In collaboration with key stakeholders the taskforce will also sensitize cross-border transport operators on Government’s position on returnees.

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