Another high school student in Kenya has been arrested in Nyamira County after an alleged attempt to hack his deputy principal on Wednesday morning.

The incident occurred at Mokwerero Secondary School in Kitutu Masaba Constituency, local publication K24 Digital reports.

The student was reportedly seized within the school compound while armed with a machete and a sharpening file by teachers who rescued the deputy principal from the botched attack.

This comes 24 hours after another Kenyan student stabbed two teachers at a local school in the country.

The form three student allegedly got late to class and was summoned to the staffroom Tuesday morning.

At the staffroom, he stabbed one of the teachers identified as Edwin Mokaya.

The second teacher was stabbed as he tried to rescue his colleague.

The two were admitted at Ram Hospital within Kisii town as the student has since been charged with attempted murder.

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