Zimbabwe – Residents of a small squatter camp at Ngozi Mine in Bulawayo were left in shock after reports spread like a veld fire that a tiny creature with an abnormally big penis was spotted in the area before it disappeared into thin air.

The residents immediately suspected that the mysterious creature was a Tikoloshe this claim was validated by reports from some of the women who live in the squatter camp that when they were asleep they felt as if they were having sex and would often wake up with wet privates.

For time immemorial people have been fascinated and terrified by the existence of supernatural evil creatures called Tikoloshe/Tokoloshi/Chikwambo or Goblin among many other names.

These tiny mischievous evil creatures are used by malevolent people to settle grudges, have sex with women, cause illness and even death on targeted individuals all for the benefit of its owner who ends up amassing great wealth.

According to African tradition beliefs, a Tikoloshe is created from the corpse of a dead person using supernatural powers.

Some women who live in the Ngozi Mine squatter camp told B-Metro that they were convinced beyond doubt that the creature that was spotted was the same one that was sexually abusing them at night.

We suspected that the spotted short-hairy man-like creature with a huge manhood is a tikoloshe which is behind our problems at night.

I always wake up tired, feeling sore in my privates. I even tried consulting prophets, but the problem just kept getting worse. This tikoloshe is taking a lot of our energy and our husbands are now suspecting us of cheating since we will be tired in bed, said a victim who identified herself as MaTshuma.

Another victim who chose not to be identified said the Tikoloshe was creating problems in her marriage since it sleeps with her almost every night and now her husband was no longer satisfying her.

Almost every night when I am sleeping, I feel like I am having sex and when I wake up, I find myself wet between the legs. That has since affected my marriage because each time I tried to have sex with my husband I am never satisfied, she said.

Another resident, Mr Alex Sibindi said they had come up with a solution to get rid of the evil creature once and for all by hiring a prophet who will hunt it down and destroy it.

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