Triangle – There was fear in Triangle after a rogue stray lion that had killed seven cattle in nearby villages strayed into the small sugarcane town’s CBD before disappearing into thin air.

National Parks game ranchers tracked the lion’s spoor into a hill behind Bank ABC at the Duly’s Shopping Center a week ago and since then the lion could not be found.

Tongaat Hullet, the company that runs Zimbabwe’s largest sugarcane operations had to hire a professional hunter who then tracked the lion and killed it at plot 1801 in section 26 Triangle on Monday thereby bringing a sigh of relief to fear stricken residents and villagers.

Zimparks spokesperson Tinashe Farawo confirmed the development to The Mirror.

“The lion which had killed at least 7 cattle has been eliminated by Zimparks,” said Farawo.

“The lion was first identified in Section 8 Triangle on January 15 when game rangers tracked its spoor that vanished in the hill behind Bank ABC at Dulys shopping complex. The lion was tracked yesterday and killed by a professional hunter hired by Tongaat Hulett through the help of Zimparks,” said a source.

Farawo said it was Zimparks’ duty to safeguard villagers from stray animals.

Villagers who spoke to The Mirror complained against human/wildlife conflict and urged the National Parks to come up with a more secure system to protect people and their domestic animals.

“This is not the first time that we have lost so many animals to wildlife and we are appealing to the National parks to come up with a tighter programme to protect us. No one compensates us when we make such losses” said a villager who declined to be named.

Source: masvingomirror

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