Police in Chitipa have arrested 20 year old girl for killing her one year child.

The woman has been identified as Mphatso Kaonga.

It is reported that the suspect had a one year and nine months old baby girl who got sick frequently.

On December 21, 2020, she left home (Mahowe) for Nthalire trading centre with her baby. On the way it is believed that she killed the baby by suffocating her with a piece of cloth and then threw her body in a toilet.

When she returned to her home village after some days, she was cornered about the missing child. After more pestering, she revealed that she dumped the child.

The matter was reported to police and the scene was visited by the police and the health personnel from Nthalire. The body was found in a decomposed state.

It is alleged that she killed the baby because she was tired with her frequent illnesses.

Kaonga will appear in court soon to answer murder charges.

The suspect comes from Lwayo village T/A Nthalire in the district.

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