By Anderson Manning’s Gowa

Idriss Ali Nassah a social media influencer who threw spanners of misgivings in the K6.2 billion covid19 budgetary report that President Lazarus Chakwera revealed to the nation, says he is still waiting for virgin expense reports from Office of President and Cabinet (OPC).

Writing on his Facebook page, Nassah said he is still waiting for the availability of expense reports which clusters presented to the president on Tuesday 9th February 2021.

“I asked for reports in the form they were presented to His Excellency the president, through his Presidential Taskforce. You will recall that these are reports that DODMA tried to hide or manufacture.

But I am convinced that the Office of the President has no reason to hide or sanitize the reports,” Nassah said.

Nassah wants expense reports to see how civil servants who were tasked with the job have used up to over K1 billion as allowances and K4 billion on procurement of goods and services.

“There is over K4 billion that went to procurement of goods and services. That is where the biggest chunk of the rot is, who was paid? For what service? At how much?” Nassah queried.

Nassah has reaffirmed his stance on corruption by saying that a verification process will follow with service providing companies to follow the money.

“This is how we will play our part in supporting the President who in his press statement called us to remain vigilant on this matter until all funds are accounted for and any abusers thereof are held accountable,” Nassah said.

The K6.2 billion issue has caught the eyes of the media and Malawians on how the money has been spent. A situation that has forced the president to fire head of DODMA and suspension of all cluster heads.

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