Students from Malawi University Science and Technology (MUST) have threatened to take unspecified action if the University’s administration fails to honor their demands.

The threat has come only a week after government directed that all schools must reopen after five weeks of closure due to the global pandemic Coronavirus.

The root of the matter is the mode of learning the Institution has adopted which has not pleased almost all students.

It is reported that the University has adopted E-learning and phase method of which it is requiring that almost half of the students should be learning through online while others are in the campus having face to face learning.

“We do not want E-learning because it is not effective,” said one student under anonymous condition.

The students are against the online learning because it only require sending of PDF notes for student to be reading, no practical lessons.

Adding to that, the students have complained that the online learning method is limited since they cannot upload big documents, voice notes and videos.

According to the information sourced by this publication, the University has also resorted to phases to accommodate student since rumors has it that there is no enough space.

“We do not want to go to school in phases either, it is unfair, our friends are learning face to face whilst some of us are learning online which is not effective,” said the students.

And on phases, the students have said it is not helpful since it will require students to only learn a single semester for a year.

Considering that they all pay the same fees, the students have said that they deserve to be treated equally.

“There is no fairness as all of us we belong to the same institution, we are paying the same tuition fees but we are denied to have access to the same quality of education,” they said.

When asked if they tried to reason with the Administration, they confirmed but quick to tell that it yielded nothing since the Administration maintained their position.

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