A police officer working at Area 25 Police Unit in Lilongwe has been arrested for receiving bribe.

Malawi Police Spokesperson James Kadadzera has revealed this in a statement.

According to Kadadzera, the police officer who was arrested yesterday is suspected to have received bribe in order to release a vehicle full of charcoal that was impounded by a night patrol team.

Kadadzera did not name the police but claimed that the police are committed to deal with unprofessional police officers, whom he described as bad apples, in its rank and file.

“The MPS reiterates its stand to have only professional, dedicated, and full of integrity officers in the service to contain and manage safer communities.

“The MPS encourages Malawians to report any police officer deemed to be working to the contrary, to the nearest police station for the PSU (Professional Standards Unit) to do their work,” said Kadadzera.

The Malawi Police has come under fire in recent weeks following a newspaper investigation that revealed that police officers and forestry officers receive bribes to let charcoal transporters pass through borders across the country.

Transporting forest produce/ being found in possession of forest produce contravenes section 68 of the Forestry Act.

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